You are fellow citizens with the holy ones . . . , built upon the foundation of the Apostles.

When you think of yourself as a “fellow citizen” of God’s household and imagine yourself standing alongside all the true saints of the Lord, you might feel like you don’t belong. They seem so perfect!

But look at St. Thomas, one of those foundational apostles, whose feast we celebrate today. Shaken by the crucifixion, he wanted hard-and-fast proof that Jesus was alive. But Jesus wasn’t troubled by his struggle. In fact, he specifically allowed Thomas to probe his wounds. Seeing the risen Lord, Thomas believed and made one of the most powerful expressions of faith in Christ in Scripture: “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28).

Tradition tells us that Thomas became a bold proclaimer of that faith; he brought the good news about the risen Lord all the way to India! Clearly, Jesus still had a place for him in the “household of God” (Ephesians 2:19). He didn’t reject Thomas; instead, he saw his weakness and strengthened him. And he will do the same for us. With his grace, he can forgive and fortify each of us to follow him wholeheartedly. With his grace, he makes us fellow citizens with Thomas and all the other apostles—with all the saints through the ages!

Thank God that you are built upon the foundation of people like Thomas who doubted, Peter who denied the Lord, and James and John who wanted places of honor. Their faults weren’t the end of their stories, and the same is true for you. You belong in God’s household because Jesus himself is the “capstone,” the One who holds the entire structure of God’s people together. He is the source of your belonging. And that makes the body of Christ on earth a sacred place where God dwells by his Spirit.

This means that, even when you struggle, you still have a place in this holy household of God. Even when you are weak, God is still building you into his dwelling place. What a wonderful privilege we all have!

“Lord, thank you for making me a member of your household!”

Ephesians 2:19-22
Psalm 117:1-2
John 20:24-29


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