Mary has chosen the better part. 

Have you ever thrown a party and been so preoccupied with keeping the punch bowl filled that you missed out on enjoying the company of your guests?  That’s what happened to Martha!

Hospitality has always been central in Middle Eastern cultures, so it’s natural that Martha wanted to be a good hostess when Jesus came to her home.   She loved him deeply and expressed that love by making a fine meal for him.   But she was so busy trying to make the evening “perfect” that she didn’t spend any time with her guest.   Mary, on the other hand, made Jesus welcome by sitting at his feet and paying close attention to his words.

“Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving?”.   Yes, these words show that Martha’s preoccupation with her work kept her from appreciating Jesus’ presence.   But they also show how comfortable she was with Jesus, how secure she felt in her friendship with him.   Evidently, Martha knew where to go when she was upset—directly to Jesus!

Jesus’ gentle rebuke was aimed at helping Martha recognize how needless her anxiety was.   He appreciated Martha’s attentive care, but he told her that he didn’t mind if the meal wasn’t perfect.   What he really wanted was her company.   After all, he had come to visit her and her sister, not to have a feast!

When you’re occupied with the necessary tasks of daily life, remember the lessons of Martha and Mary.   Try your best to serve with love, as Martha did.   But also be careful not to lose sight of Jesus.   Remember that every time you serve another person, you have the opportunity to see the face of Christ, to give of yourself in the same way that he gave himself completely.   As Cardinal Anastasio Ballestrero, the former archbishop of Turin, once wrote, “In our house there is room for Martha and room for Mary, and we must occupy both places.   We must be Mary because we are welcoming the Word, and we must be Martha because we are receiving the Son of Man.”

-word among us

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