Come, everything is now ready.

Imagine you were invited to a special dinner party. You would probably be excited and honored to be able to attend. You would mark the day on the calendar and plan your schedule around the event so that nothing else interfered. As the date drew closer, you might choose what clothes to wear or plan what time you need to leave your home. You wouldn’t want to be late!

Yet in this parable from today’s Gospel, just the opposite happened. Guests were invited but failed to show up. They pursued their own plans with no further thought or care about the banquet. They must have indicated they would come, since the host continued with his preparations. But the guests did not make the dinner a priority. They weren’t excited about the invitation, nor did they honor the host who invited them.

It was a shame, because such an invitation said a lot about the host. It showed how generous he was toward every person he had invited. He was willing to put a lot of time and effort into providing a feast with no expectation of repayment. He just wanted to bless each guest.

Like the host in today’s parable, Jesus is our generous host, and here’s what he says to us:

Come (Luke 14:17). You’ve received an invitation! Jesus has called you by name to be part of his banquet. He spreads his table before you, ready to bless you with his grace, strength, and love. Let the Holy Spirit stir your heart with excitement and gratitude for the invitation.

Everything is now ready (Luke 14:17). Jesus is always ready to meet you. He is never scrambling to find a place for you at his table. You are never an unexpected guest. Rather, he is waiting at the banquet, eager to greet you.

Don’t be like those half-hearted invitees in today’s parable! Jesus offers you something magnificent. He invites you into his presence to enjoy all that he has to offer. Today, as you pray, accept his invitation and come to his table.

“Lord Jesus, I give my heart to you. Make me ready to always say yes to you.”

Romans 12:5-16
Psalm 131:1-3
Luke 14:15-24


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