The community of believers was of one heart and mind

Why did the early Christians decide to share all that they had with one another?   The short answer is the Holy Spirit.   After Pentecost, the followers of Jesus decided to place everything in common—property, possessions, and money—so that no one would suffer from lack.   Motivated by love, they wanted to make sure that personal possessions posed no stumbling blocks to their unity.

God wants us to live in unity as well—in unity with our spouses, in our families, and in our parishes.   We know that this can be hard to attain, even when we earnestly desire it.   It can be so easy, even if we don’t intend it, to place our needs and wants above other people’s or to see things only from our own perspective.

That’s why it’s good to ask ourselves, Where can there be more unity in my life?   Maybe an estranged relationship with an adult child or a coworker comes to mind.   It could be that you have a gnawing issue in your marriage.   Maybe you see divisions at work or among the people in your parish.

Once you have settled on a situation, take a few moments to pray for unity.   Even a simple prayer such as “Come, Holy Spirit; bring us together in unity” can make a difference.   Then, quiet yourself and try to listen to what God may say to you.   Maybe he’ll encourage you to be more attentive to your spouse’s concerns.   He may give you a fresh perspective on a troubling relationship at work.   He may even prompt you to do something to bring two parties together—over a meal or in a conversation.   He is creative, so just try to be open!

We probably aren’t called to live the way the early Christians did, but we can still strive to have “one heart and mind” with one another (Acts 4:32).   We will never achieve perfect unity in this life, but as we pray, the Spirit will give us a greater desire for it—and show us what we can do to help make it happen.

Word Among Us

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