[God] will give you back both breath and life.

The reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175–164 BC) was a time of terrible suffering for the Jewish people. Unlike his predecessors, Antiochus imposed Greek ways—and Greek idol worship—upon the people. He sought to force the Jews to abandon the Lord and swear loyalty to the gods of the Greeks instead. Many gave in, but a few resisted, even to the point of death. Today’s first reading tells the story of one family whose brave faithfulness to the Lord cost them their lives.

We hear this story—and others like it—at Mass this week and the next as we come to the end of the liturgical year. They are stories about persecutions of the righteous and parables of God’s final judgment. And right in the middle, we celebrate the feast of Christ the King, who will ultimately have the victory in this epic battle between good and evil.

It may be a little intimidating to find our own small role in this grand story. How do we embrace the long view of salvation while enduring our own hardship and suffering? It can be hard to picture ourselves sharing victory with Jesus! But those are the times when we need to pursue the Lord even more persistently.

What trials have brought you to your knees? Perhaps you have felt like this mother of the seven martyred sons. You may have seen someone you love doing battle with addiction, disease, or trauma. If so, you know that there is no magic wand that will make everything better. There are no pious platitudes that erase the pain. And yet like the mother in today’s story, the promise of our resurrection can bring us hope. Our relationship with the risen Lord can assure us that sin and death don’t have the final word. The fruit of Jesus’ resurrection is already available to you; he can help you in every affliction (Romans 8:31-39).

Jesus knows your needs. Even now he is interceding for you before the throne of his Father. Take courage and let him strengthen you to face whatever this day brings.

“Jesus, I trust in your resurrection!”

2 Maccabees 7:1, 20-31
Psalm 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15
Luke 19:11-28


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