If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

Crucifixions in first-century Palestine under Roman occupation were all too common. So Jesus understood that no one would ever want to take up his cross—let alone on a daily basis. Yet he said that this is necessary if we are to follow him. Why?

Consider the meaning of the words “deny himself” (Luke 9:23). Taking up our crosses requires denying our very human tendency to act out of our own self-interest. It means following Jesus’ example by loving God and our neighbor before ourselves. That, in turn, often requires a concerted effort to die to ourselves and our selfish desires. But how do we do this? For as we know, willpower alone only gets us so far.

Jesus knew that our own efforts would never be enough. That’s why, before taking up his own cross, Jesus promised his disciples that he would send them the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-18). The Spirit would give them the courage and strength to deny themselves and take up their crosses—and he will do the same for us.

So believe that whatever particular cross you face, the Holy Spirit will help you to carry it. He will give you the grace to die to all those things that are preventing you from truly following in Jesus’ footsteps, like self-pity, anger, or selfishness. Or maybe he’ll enable you to let go of some precious free time so that you can care for a person in need. You’ll likely feel some resistance at the thought of denying yourself. But that’s precisely why you need the Spirit’s power and grace! You can trust that he will provide for you, one day—and even one moment—at a time.

Jesus wants us to follow him, even when that means taking up our crosses. Today, picture your Lenten journey as forty days of walking along behind the Lord, following in his footsteps, and carrying whatever cross he has given you. Know that he doesn’t just ask that you take up your cross. He gives you his Holy Spirit to make it possible.

“Lord Jesus, thank you for your Holy Spirit, who gives me the power and grace to carry my cross today.”

Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Psalm 1:1-4, 6
Luke 9:22-25


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