His father caught sight of him, and was filled with compassion. 

What is our heavenly Father like? Many in the crowd listening to Jesus—especially the “tax collectors and sinners” (Luke 15:1)—pictured him as a God of wrath and judgment. But Jesus knew better, and so he told a parable that revealed the truth about his Father. Let’s reflect on this parable today as we ask again: what is the Father like?

First, God doesn’t give up on us. The father in this parable was treated unjustly by his younger son. He could have spent his days nursing his wounds. Instead, he scanned the horizon each day, hoping that his son would have a change of heart and return to him. Even when we’ve given up hope on ourselves or our loved ones, God never does.

Second, God is compassionate. We might expect anger or resentment to rise up in the father when he spots his son. Instead, he is “filled with compassion” (Luke 15:20). He sees what his son has suffered, and instead of rejecting him, he throws his arms around him and welcomes him home. That’s how God treats us. He isn’t angry at us because we’ve sinned; he just wants to restore our relationship with him.

Third, God celebrates. The father in the parable doesn’t just give his son some leftovers to eat; he kills the fatted calf and orders up a feast. This is no time for recriminations—no, it’s time to celebrate because his son “has come to life again” (Luke 15:32). When we repent and return to the Father, he rejoices. He sees not the sin but only the new life he wants for us.

Finally, God cares for every one of us. The older son was naturally resentful, but the father assured him of his love and begged him to join in the celebration. God wants us to feel secure in his love and just as joyful as he is when a lost person returns to their true home.

This is what your heavenly Father is like. So praise and thank him for his love, his mercy, and his faithfulness!

“Jesus, thank you for revealing the Father’s heart to me.”

Micah 7:14-15, 18-20
Psalm 103:1-4, 9-12
Luke 15:1-3,11-32


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