I have told you this so that you might have peace in me.

Peace. It’s something we all want. Whether it’s peace in our personal lives, peace in our families, or peace among nations, it’s something that every human heart longs for. It’s something we spend time and energy striving to create in the midst of our turbulent world.

But the deep and unwavering peace that Jesus gives us is different from the peace the world offers us. As Jesus tells his disciples in today’s Gospel, “In the world you will have trouble” (John 16:33). That’s not necessarily a bad thing to realize. Because if we don’t get our peace from the world, then the world won’t be able to take away our peace.

So what did Jesus tell his disciples so that they “might have peace” in him (John 16:33)? First, he said that he knew a time would come when their peace would be shattered by the devastating events of his arrest, crucifixion, and death. He knew that these events would cause them to scatter and leave him alone (16:32). Similarly, each of us will experience losses, disappointments, or crises that can shatter our peace and cause us to question Jesus’ love. It’s a part of life. Jesus knows this, and he wants us to know it, too.

Second, just before the verses in today’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples that he is “leaving the world and going back to the Father” (John 16:28). Jesus didn’t say this to incite fear in them but to give them courage. All the events that threatened to steal their peace were, in the end, enfolded into God’s plan. Jesus would soon be with his Father, and they would soon see him risen in glory. This promise is true for us as well. We may face troubles in this world, but Jesus is still with us; he is still looking out for us. He has “conquered the world” (16:33)!

Peace. It comes from knowing that we can trust in Jesus, the One who has conquered the world. He will always be with us and will always take care of us. In him, we can find the peace that cannot be shaken!

“Jesus, help me have peace in you, no matter what happens today.”

Acts 19:1-8
Psalm 68:2-7
John 16:29-33


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