I will not believe. 

Thomas had been with Jesus for three years. He had listened to him preach and had witnessed his miracles. He had heard Jesus predict his own passion and resurrection three times (Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34). So why did he have such a hard time believing that Jesus had risen from the dead?

The fact is that faith often comes more easily to some than others. Some people readily believe in God. Some are more like Thomas in their demand for evidence. But at one time or another, we have all struggled with some aspect of our faith.

Jesus didn’t hold Thomas’ doubts against him. Instead, he came right into Thomas’ presence and invited him to touch the marks on his hands, feet, and side (John 20:25). Jesus wanted nothing more than for Thomas to believe in him.

That’s what Jesus wants for all his children—including your loved ones who are wrestling with doubts. He is patient, kind, and merciful, and he will continually find ways to reveal himself to them.

There are plenty of stories of people whose doubts have been resolved through an unexpected encounter with Jesus. Some have discovered him in the Eucharist or in the pages of Scripture. Others have sensed him speaking to the deepest desires of their hearts. And some come to see him in the witness of his followers—perhaps by their forgiving disposition, their reluctance to judge, or their care for the people around them.

So if you have a loved one who is struggling with their faith in any way, don’t lose heart. Remember how Jesus showed himself to Thomas. He won’t give up on your loved one, and neither should you. In fact, Jesus might even use you as his witness.

Today, on this feast of St. Thomas, let’s lift up all people who struggle with doubts and ask Jesus to open their eyes to see him. May we one day be able to proclaim with one voice, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28).

“St. Thomas, pray for all the people in my life who struggle to believe in the risen Christ.”

Ephesians 2:19-22
Psalm 117:1-2
John 20:24-29


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