If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all. 

If you have ever thought of the disciples as some kind of unrelatable, superhuman saints, this passage could change your perspective. It might be hard to imagine them arguing about who was the greatest, but that’s just what they were doing.

Certainly the disciples wanted to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. But—also certainly—they had to learn how to put other people first. Here, Jesus reminded them of the servant’s heart that discipleship requires.

But history tells us that eventually they did choose to be “last of all and the servant of all” as they traveled the world proclaiming the gospel (Mark 9:35). What changed?

Well, living with Jesus for three years probably made a big difference. They would have seen him taking the last place and serving them before himself. They witnessed his patience instead of anger toward the religious leaders who challenged him (Mark 11:27-33). They saw him teaching the crowds when he was tired (6:34) or taking time to heal a woman even though he was on his way elsewhere (5:21-34). Most of all, they saw him pour himself out on the cross (15:22-41).

All of these lessons came together for the disciples when they received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The Spirit opened their eyes to understand what Jesus had done for them. And he enabled them to live as Jesus did, to give and share and love and serve. He gave them the grace to become willing to put other people before themselves, whether by selling their property to provide for the needy or by caring for widows (Acts 4:32-35; 6:1-4). Smaller choices like those led to the bigger ones that enabled them to lay down their lives for their faith.

Just like the disciples, you will have opportunities to think of someone else’s needs before your own and serve them, even if it means giving up your time or comfort. Remember what the disciples learned and do what they did: follow Jesus’ example through the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Humbly receive the grace to choose to be last of all and servant of all.

“Lord, give me a servant’s heart!”

Sirach 2:1-11
Psalm 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40
Mark 9:30-37


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