It is I. Do not be afraid. 

A mother’s college-aged son had just been diagnosed with a potentially life-threatening disease that he would have to manage for the rest of his life. Understandably, she was worried and afraid. She prayed for healing, whether through the doctors or through an outright miracle. But even as she prayed, she found herself doubting that God could or would heal him.

Then she remembered that as a young adult, she herself had been completely healed of a serious, chronic disease after seeking the Lord in prayer. She realized that she was allowing fear to blind her to all that God had done in her life, and that same fear was causing her to doubt what he could do for her son.

Like this woman, the disciples were also blinded by fear. They had just witnessed Jesus performing an extraordinary miracle: with a few loaves and fish, he had fed a vast crowd (John 6:1-14). But now they found themselves miles from shore and navigating a storm-tossed, turbulent sea. Then, when they saw Jesus walking toward them on the water, they became even more fearful. Was this a ghost?

We can certainly understand the disciples’ fear. But we might also wonder: hadn’t they just seen the miracle of the loaves and the fishes? Did they forget that Jesus had power over nature? He could multiply food, calm the sea, and walk on water. Where was their faith? Jesus didn’t chide them, however; he only reassured them, saying, “It is I. Do not be afraid” (6:20).

God doesn’t chide us either. But he doesn’t want our fears to rob us of believing in his power to work in new and even wondrous ways. So when we’re in a scary situation, we can come to the Lord in faith and pray, “I have seen you work wonders, Lord. I choose to believe and trust that you will take care of this situation I put before you. I trust in your power to act, however you will.”

“Lord Jesus, help me not to be blinded by my fears.”

Acts 6:1-7
Psalm 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19
John 6:16-21


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