Jesus disembarked and saw the vast crowd. 

How do you deal with complex problems? Do they make you want to roll up your sleeves and dive right in? Or are you more likely to retreat and hope that they somehow go away? Today’s readings show us how King Solomon and Jesus responded to their challenges.

When Solomon became king, the sheer size of Israel’s population caused him a great deal of anxiety. Taking a pilgrimage to a shrine at Gibeon, Solomon laid bare his problem before the Lord: “Who is able to govern this vast people of yours?” (1 Kings 3:9). He confessed that he didn’t have the resources on his own to undertake this task, and he asked God for the wisdom he needed.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus also encountered a problem. He had planned to take the Twelve away for a time of rest and refreshment, but those plans were wrecked when a huge crowd showed up. Seeing the crowd and all their needs, “his heart was moved with pity for them” (Mark 6:34). He hadn’t intended to minister to a multitude that day, but he saw that this was the right thing to do.

When we are faced with an overwhelming challenge, it can be easy to focus on fixing things right away. But remember Solomon! His first reaction was to turn to God. He was humble enough to know he needed guidance from the Lord. Remember Jesus as well! His flexible, open heart enabled him to hear his Father’s will and switch his plans quickly. As a result, not only was he able to minister to the huge crowd, but he also had the opportunity to perform one of his greatest miracles: the multiplication of the loaves and fish (Mark 6:34-44).

Both readings today show that God’s wisdom is not a book, a philosophy, or a management style. It’s a Person, Jesus himself. He sees the “crowds” in your life, and his heart is always filled with compassion for you. He knows the challenges you’re facing, and he is always ready to help you and guide you.

“Jesus, teach me your wisdom—the wisdom filled with understanding and love.”

1 Kings 3:4-13
Psalm 119:9-14
Mark 6:30-34


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