Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart. 

Have you got it all figured out? Do you have a complete grasp of who God is and his purpose for you on this earth?

If so, stop reading.

But if you’re like most people, if you suspect God still has some work to do in you and with you—even if you’re unsure what it might be—then by all means, keep reading. And take heart! Jesus is speaking to you in this passage. He is inviting you to learn from him. He is asking to walk beside you and to help you see your life from his perspective so that you can find answers alongside him. “Come to me,” he says. “Learn from me” (Matthew 11:28, 29).

Lay your concerns or uneasiness before him. Give him the burdens that are weighing you down and the tasks that weary you so much that you feel like giving up at times. Bring him your questions and even your unanswered prayers. Jesus is meek and humble enough to welcome you into his company. As for yourself, try to be meek and humble enough to listen to him. Let Jesus love you and carry your burdens. Let his love give you the courage to surrender your ways of thinking and to take on his mind. Let him yoke himself with you so that you can walk together in his ways.

Jesus is the teacher, and we are lifelong learners. That means each day is a new opportunity to pray, “Here I am, Lord. How can I learn from you today? How can I rest in you and grow in walking by your side?”

Sometimes Jesus will teach you by having the Holy Spirit call your attention to a sentence or phrase in Scripture that seems especially relevant to your situation. Sometimes he uses another person to communicate his message of loving encouragement or a thought-provoking challenge. Sometimes he will inspire you with an inner prompting to do something specific or reach out to someone.

No matter what way Jesus chooses to teach you, learning from him and walking beside him can be a delightful daily adventure.

“Here I am, Lord. I’m eager to soak up whatever you want to teach me today.”

Isaiah 26:7-9, 12, 16-19
Psalm 102:13-21
Matthew 11:28-30


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