Let all the earth cry out to God with joy. 

When was the last time you cried out to God with joy? A wedding or a birth? Recovery from an illness? A long-awaited reunion with a loved one? These are all perfect occasions for some joyful crying out. But the psalmist doesn’t restrict himself to a specific moment. Instead, he exhorts us to cry out with joy at all times because God “has given life to our souls” and he does not refuse our “prayer or his kindness” (Psalm 66:9, 20).

Today’s first reading exemplifies such continuous joy. God sent Philip out on a desert route. Philip didn’t know why or where he was to go, and the terrain was rocky and barren. But the joy of the Lord sustained him on the trek and quite possibly made him an enthusiastic, joyful evangelist.

And what was the reaction of the Ethiopian court official after he received the Holy Spirit in Baptism? He “continued on his way rejoicing” (Acts 8:39). We can imagine that joy staying with him when he returned to his own country.

Joy is not simply a passing feeling but a fruit of the indwelling Spirit and the product of God’s life in us (Galatians 5:22). Rather than distinct instances of feeling joyful, it’s possible to live in a state of underlying joy. This is a joy infused with hope—the expectation of good—even when our immediate circumstances aren’t themselves joyful. God’s life in us grows and matures, and as it does, our joy increases.

That means you can grow in joy as well. And you can begin by expressing it! Start with “Bless our God” (Psalm 66:8). Then open your heart to the Lord. Turn your thoughts to him frequently. Adore him in prayer, find him in the Scriptures, and celebrate him in the Eucharist. Tell him all the reasons for your gratitude: for giving you this day; for healing you, forgiving you, and comforting you. “Sound his praise” (66:8) by telling someone else about what God has done for you, even—and especially—those little blessings the Lord gives you each day.

Yes, cry out to God with joy, and watch joy flourish inside you.

“Bless you, Father, for your life in me. Help me to cry out with joy today and in all circumstances.”

Acts 8:26-40
John 6:44-51
Psalm 66:8-9, 16-17,20


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