Love your enemies. 

What does Jesus mean when he tells us to love our enemies? Does he mean that we have to like them or become their friend? Do we have to think of them fondly or send them a Christmas card each year?

The short answer is no, because love doesn’t necessarily involve our feelings. As St. Thomas Aquinas defined it, to love is “to will the good of the other.” You may have a strong dislike of someone. You may find them difficult, annoying, or mean-spirited. They may have hurt you, rejected you, or ridiculed you. But you can still desire their good. How? Let’s consider a few ways.

First, you can pray for them. Pray that they experience God’s love in a deeper way. Pray for healing of any past hurts that may be causing their negative behavior. Pray for God’s blessings in their lives. Pray especially that your own heart would soften so that you are able to see the other person as a flawed human being just like you, someone whom the Lord loves just as he loves you.

Second, try not to disparage the other person, especially in front of others. There’s always a temptation when we are hurt or angry about the way we’ve been treated to express our negative feelings about the person to someone else. Of course, it’s important to talk through the situation with a spouse or trusted friend, but do so in a way that doesn’t tear down the other person. If you want to love them by willing their good, then you don’t want to injure their reputation or gossip about them. Being careful with your speech is good for you too because it helps keep your negative emotions from spiraling out of control.

Finally, since none of this is easy, continually ask for God’s grace. Believe that if Jesus is asking you to love your enemies, then he must also be willing to give you all that you need to do it.

No matter how you may be feeling today, go ahead and try to love an “enemy.” Even though what you do might seem like baby steps, know that you are actually taking great strides toward becoming “perfect,” just like your heavenly Father (Matthew 5:48)!

“Jesus, help me to love my enemies.”

Matthew 5:43-48
1 Kings 21:17-29
Psalm 51:3-6, 11, 16


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