Love your enemies. . . . Be perfect.

Wow! That’s a tall order, don’t you think? But don’t worry. Jesus isn’t expecting you to do this on your own. He knows that loving everyone as God does—especially difficult people—is beyond any of us. He also knows that our best hope comes as we spend time in his presence.

But here’s something you may not think of right away: if you want to love your enemies, pray for yourself first! We all need the Spirit’s help to respond as the Father does. Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and patience, kindness and gentleness, power and self-control—and, oh yes, for more of God’s love. Then ask the Lord to teach you about the circumstances and challenges you face in trying to love others. Those challenges are unique to who you are; they are not your spouse’s, your parents’, your neighbor’s, or anyone else’s. He can show you where you need an attitude adjustment or a change of heart.

After you have prayed for yourself, go ahead and pray for your enemies. (You don’t have to seek out “enemies,” by the way. There are plenty of people around us who qualify for the title.) You may find yourself interceding with greater charity, understanding, or patience. You may sense God moving you to some act of kindness toward that “enemy.” Or you may feel him giving you a greater compassion for the person. God is infinitely creative, so be ready for him to move you in unexpected directions!

Jesus did not deliver an impossible command. Rather, he delivered a command designed to help you grow in his likeness—to be perfect as he is perfect (Matthew 5:48). Right now, he is ready to give you whatever you need to love your “enemies.” Will you always get it right? No. But you will grow in his love and perfection as you try and try and try again.

“Jesus, let me know your love so that I can begin to love my enemies.”

Deuteronomy 26:16-19
Psalm 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8
Matthew 5:43-48


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