Luke is the only one with me.

Paul and Luke were traveling companions who spent day after day on the road together preaching the gospel. It wasn’t an easy life, and as Paul notes in today’s first reading, some who had been with them on their missionary journey ended up deserting them (2 Timothy 4:10). So why did Luke stay on?

Of course, Luke was devoted to Paul and to the mission of sharing the good news. But there might have been another reason as well: despite the hardships, he might have enjoyed the adventures. Luke tells many exciting stories in the Book of Acts, which he authored in addition to his Gospel. And at several points, he uses the word “we” to describe his experiences with Paul on their missionary journeys.

For example, he says that when Paul had a vision that they should go to Macedonia, “we sought passage . . . at once” (Acts 16:10). In another passage, Luke writes, “We gathered to break bread,” and then he tells the humorous story of a young man falling out of a window after sleeping through one of Paul’s long sermons (20:5-15). In the third and final “we” sections (21:1-18; 27:1–28:16), Luke relates, among other things, the story of a storm and shipwreck.

Luke led anything but a boring life! But did you know that every Christian life is an adventure? That’s because following Jesus is never boring. Every day when you come to him in prayer, you never know what he has in store for you or where he is going to send you.

For example, one day he might prompt you to call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. Then you find out that she needs your support and prayers. Or perhaps you are asked to lead a Bible study. You may not feel equipped, but you know it will be an adventure as you learn to rely on the Lord.

You may never travel widely or go on a missionary journey, as St. Luke did. But today, on his feast day, you can ask him to help you see your life in Christ as an adventure. Nothing can be more exciting than living for Jesus—even if you never leave home!

“Jesus, I’m ready for an adventure. Send me where you want me to go!”

2 Timothy 4:10-17
Psalm 145:10-13, 17-18
Luke 10:1-9


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