How does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

Eighty miles.   That was a long way for the newly pregnant Mary to travel so that she could visit her cousin Elizabeth—especially when you consider that she either walked the whole way or rode a donkey.   But what a gift that visit was for Elizabeth!   Not only was she overjoyed to see Mary, but she also rejoiced in the knowledge that her Lord had come to her (Luke 1:43).

Just as Mary did for Elizabeth, Mary did for all of humankind:  she brought Christ to us.   It’s a gift that can bring us great joy, as it did for Elizabeth.   It’s also why since ancient times, Mary has been given such a place of honor in the Church.

“In the mystery of the Annunciation and the Visitation,” wrote St. Teresa of Calcutta, “Mary is the very model of the life we should lead.   First of all, she welcomed Jesus in her existence; then, she shared what she had received.”

How can we follow Mary’s example and share Christ with the people around us?   The first step is to welcome him into our lives every day in prayer and, in a special way, in the Eucharist.  According to Mother Teresa, “Every time we receive Holy Communion, Jesus the Word becomes flesh in our life.”   In other words, we become tabernacles of Christ, bearing him in our hearts just as Mary bore him in her womb.

And that’s how we share him.   The grace of Christ alive in us can transform every act of love, service, mercy, or generosity into an opportunity for people to encounter Jesus himself. It’s not that we are trying extra hard to act like Jesus; as it happened with Mary, the changes that Jesus makes in our lives can’t help but touch the people around us.

When you visit an ailing neighbor, call an estranged family member, or pause to warmly greet a harried cashier at the grocery store, you are doing much more than offering a kind gesture. You are letting Christ, who lives in you, actually work through you.

So where does Jesus want you to take him today?

Word Among Us

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