It is easy to think that hearing God’s voice is beyond us.  Moses heard it.  Peter, James, and John heard it, and so did Paul.  But not many “ordinary folks” claim to hear God.  That could lead us to conclude that it is only for a select few saints.  Or we may think that God speaks only with a spectacular display like the one described in today’s first reading.

But that  is not the way God works.  For the most part, he speaks through spontaneous thoughts or senses that arise in our minds.  Who has not felt a sudden impulse, perhaps while driving down the road, to pray for someone?  That may be God’s voice!  Who has not awoken many mornings with a hymn running through their mind?  That could also be his voice.

So how do you distinguish this “voice” from the other thoughts that run through your mind?  Well, God’s voice bears his character: loving, peaceful, patient, gentle, kind.  Thoughts that arouse fear, resentment, or jealousy probably do not come from the Lord—although they may signal the need to examine something in your life.

We can also rule out thoughts that scorn, mock, or otherwise tear someone down.  Plus, any thoughts that seem to predict the future or suggest a particular action or path to take should be stored up in your heart for further consideration, as Mary did .  We would do best to ask a trusted friend or our pastor to help us discern these impressions.

If you ask God to speak to you, why would he refuse?  You want to get to know him, and he wants to show himself to you.  So why would he remain silent?

Today, try imagining Jesus sitting next to you.  Or picture a scene from the Bible, and put yourself in it.  Talk to the Lord about whatever is on your heart.  Then listen to the thoughts that arise in your mind.  Do not interrupt.  Write them down as you “hear” them.  You can go back and analyze them later on.  But for now, just receive them, and see what God says.

Word among us

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