No one laid hands on him

Have you ever noticed how many times during Jesus’ public ministry somebody wanted to arrest or silence him, but then nothing happened?   For instance, his fellow Nazarenes once tried to push him off a cliff, and more than once, some Jews in Jerusalem picked up rocks to stone him (Luke 4:28-30; John 8:59; 10:31).   Somehow or another, he walked away, and the next day he went back to preaching and healing people.

How did he manage to do this?   By his own divine power and wisdom.   It’s as simple as that:   his time had not yet come, so he didn’t allow his detractors to cut short his time or his mission.   This is something of a theme in John’s Gospel, in fact.   “No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own” (10:18).

Jesus can’t be stopped—not by soldiers, not by his family, and not by all the powers on earth or below.   He is always in control, and he is constantly doing things that reveal more about who he is and why his Father sent him to us.

While Jesus can’t be stopped from his mission to rescue the world, it is completely possible for us to close our hearts to his love and close our ears to his word. Perhaps a “crowd” of housework, sports games, or other distractions keep us from paying attention to him.   Or maybe some area of sin or selfishness blocks our vision so that we can’t see what he is trying to do in us.

Don’t let that happen!   Today, try to listen with an open mind and try to find him with an open heart.   If you haven’t started, now is a good time to begin praying every day.   If there is a particular sin keeping you from knowing God’s love, get to Confession.   Do whatever you need to do so that you can see Jesus and welcome his work in your life.

Jesus is always moving forward.   He is always calling to you and inviting you to move with him.   It’s a privilege and an honor that none of us should ever miss out on!

Word Among Us

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