Nothing will be impossible for God. 

As we ponder today, let’s turn to our heavenly Father, who delights in accomplishing the impossible:

“Father, nothing is impossible for you.   You spoke a word, and everything came to be.   Out of the chaos of nothingness, you brought forth life and light.   You promised the barren Abraham numerous descendants, and your word was fulfilled.   Time and time again, you pour out your life where there seems to be only death.   No obstacle is too great for you.

“I consider Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist.   Sometimes I can feel just like her, with very little to show for all her years, no legacy that would earn her praise or preserve her memory.   But Elizabeth’s emptiness, her very biology, wasn’t an obstacle to you.   You promised that she would bear a son and be filled with joy, and it came to be.   So today, Father, I won’t be afraid to look at the places in my life that seem unproductive or barren.   I ask you to bring life and fruitfulness into those empty places.

“I think, too, about the Virgin Mary.   She had her whole life ahead of her, with so many possibilities.   I can see unexplored possibilities in my life too.   I have hopes and dreams that I cherish, even if I don’t know how to see them through.   You brought life to Mary in an unexpected way.   Her inexperience was not an obstacle to you, and neither was Joseph’s hesitancy.   So I trust you to help me bear fruit in the way that you desire it.   I will try to say yes to you today, and wait expectantly to see how this will come to be.

“Lord, nothing is impossible with you! I choose to believe that truth more than the impossibilities I see in my life.   Like Mary, I will believe even when I can’t see how you will make me fruitful.   Like Elizabeth, I will trust when hopelessness knocks at my door.   Thank you for all the ways you have already brought your life to me.   I look with joyful anticipation to see how you will continue!”

word among us

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