On the first day . . .

The story of Noah and the flood ends with a new beginning. In fact, it purposefully echoes the beginning of Genesis. Once again, the earth is covered by waters, and God brings forth dry land. Once again, on the “first day,” Noah, a new Adam, begins a new era of human history by worshipping and offering a sacrifice to the Lord (Genesis 8:20-21).

Even as it looks back to the story of creation, this story also looks forward to the new creation God would usher in through the work of his Son, Jesus, who is the new Adam. God didn’t want just to rescue us; he also wanted to make us into a new creation, just as he began a new creation with Noah after the flood. Only this time God established his new creation through the death and resurrection of his Son and the gift of his Holy Spirit. In other words, he not only saved us from sin and death, he saved us for new life in Christ Jesus, for a new creation.

Like Noah’s family after the flood, we have been drawn out of the waters of baptism and brought into a new life. We have received the Spirit, who “recreates” us into God’s children and uses us to “renew the face of the earth” (Psalm 104:30). And as he did with Noah, God promises to fill our new life with blessings and to be always present with us. God makes a covenant with us, never to destroy us because of our sin and weakness. Once more, he blesses us, gives us dominion over the earth, and makes us his own people.

It’s a new day! You’re coming off the ark as a new creation, with all the grace you need to live as a child of God. And you’re not the only thing that’s new. God’s mercy and compassion are new—every single morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). Each day, God pours out fresh grace upon you. Each day, he promises to make you fruitful, to give you power over sin, and to transform you more and more into his image. Each day, he proclaims, “Behold, I make all things new” (Revelation 21:5). Even you.

“Thank you, Lord, for a new beginning today. Come, Creator Spirit, and renew me.”

Genesis 8:6-13, 20-22
Psalm 116:12-15, 18-19
Mark 8:22-26


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