People brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment.

One night, Febin Bellamy, a student at Washington’s Georgetown University, exchanged a nod with the janitor who cleaned the study room.  From that, a friendship developed and, with it, Febin’s awareness of the employees who keep Georgetown running.  Bus drivers, custodians, food service workers – each person had a story, Febin discovered, and deserved to be noticed and appreciated.  So he decided to introduce these behind-the-scenes workers to other students by interviewing them and posting their stories online.

On his “Unsung Heroes” website (, you meet a man named Tracey, whose father was hit by a car and killed in a crosswalk.  A university crossing guard, he keeps Georgetown students safe in memory of his dad.  You hear Oneil, Febin’s janitor friend, speak of his faith in God and his dream of starting a catering business.  Georgetown students responded with a fund-raiser to help him do that.  You meet Suru, a food service worker from South Sudan.  On learning that he had not seen his family in forty-five years, students surprised him with the money to cover the cost of a visit.  Today, Unsung Heroes continues as an organization that aims at “making visible the Invisible” and giving them a voice.

We have meet people who give a voice to the voiceless.  They are, presumably, the relatives and friends of the man who could not hear or speak.  What a service they performed by bringing him to Jesus and begging for his healing!  Without their intercession, this man would have gone unnoticed, his needs unspoken and unmet.

Imagine how life changing his healing must have been! With a voice of his own, he could lead a more peaceful life, share his experience with friends, and speak up for other “Invisibles”.

God wants all of us to notice the invisible people around us.  Unborn children, shut ins, the unemployed or underpaid, prisoners, those trapped in poverty or a war zone…Is there someone whose need stirs our heart?  Someone to bring to Jesus in intercessory prayer?  Someone to speak up for?  Do not hesitate – make them known!

-word among us


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