Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you…And imitate their faith.

Whether you were born into the Catholic faith or converted to Catholicism, you most likely have people in your life who inspired or encouraged you in your walk of faith.  And that is a really good thing!

Pope Francis once described it this way; “It is through an unbroken chain of witnesses that we come to see the face of Jesus.  But how is this possible?…Persons always live in relationship.  We come from others, we belong to others, and our lives are enlarged by our encounter with others.”

How can you honor influences in your live?

First, remember those people who have been part of your own “unbroken chain of witnesses.”  It may have been a parish priest whose homilies have moved you over the years; it may be a favorite pope or saint whom you felt a real kinship with.  Or it may be your parents or a neighbor who has encouraged you by sharing day-to-day life with you.  Whoever they are, think about why they came to mind.  What was it about their witness that enlarged your faith or helped you trust the Lord more deeply?  If possible, find a way to thank these people.  If they have already passed on, then write a prayer honoring them.

Next, imitate their faith.  Think about how you answered the question above about how these models of faith have influenced you.  If it is someone’s prayer life, try to follow his or her example.  If it is their humble way of caring for people, try to reach out a bit more today.  You will likely find that imitating their faith will also make you an inspiration to someone else!

That is the way faith works; we all influence each other.  Just as your life was shaped by people who have inspired you, you can be link in someone else’s “chain of witnesses”.  And so the gospel is spread, and the Church continue to grow.

-word among us

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