Saturday after Ash Wednesday


Remove from your midst . . . malicious speech. 


It can be easy to read these words and think they don’t really apply to us.   But have you ever said, “You’re not sorry!” when someone is trying to apologize to you?   Or “She deserves it” when something bad happens to someone you don’t like?   How about “You’re hopeless!” when you are feeling angry with a loved one?

At one time or another, we have all thought and said spiteful things like this.   So isn’t it good to know that Jesus has the power to help us treat people with the same love and mercy that he has for us?

Of course, this doesn’t happen overnight or by magic.   Often we need to look at why we say the things we say.   And that’s where Jesus comes in—to help us look inside our hearts to see the root causes of our hurtful speech.   Because that’s where a lot of it comes from.   Ask any counselor, and they will tell you that people who have been hurt often hurt other people.   Or they will tell you that our hurtful words often come from our own self-centered desires and our frustration that people aren’t treating us the way we think we deserve.

Maybe you are struggling with unforgiveness or resentment.   Or maybe a wound from your past continues to affect some of your relationships.   Or maybe you just want what you want—and right away!   Whatever the case, Jesus can help you.   He can shine his light into your heart and convince you that he has your life in his hands—so you don’t have to lash out.   You don’t have to go on the attack or become extra defensive because Christ is more than capable of caring for you.   He is more than able to heal your hurts and strengthen your heart.

We often think that Lent is a time when we do things for God.   But it’s also a time when God wants to do things for us.   As you continue your Lenten journey, ask him to help you put away unkind remarks and reactions.   If you slip up, think about what may have caused you to act in that way.   Then ask Jesus to heal you—and trust that he can.

“Jesus, heal my heart so that I speak only words of love, encouragement, and mercy.”

Psalm 86:1-6
Luke 5:27-32


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