Set your hopes completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 

Haven’t we all had the experience of setting our hopes on something that winds up disappointing us? It might be someone’s unfulfilled promise of a good job or an easy assignment at school. It might be a financial investment that wasn’t as profitable as we had hoped it would be. Or maybe it was a new medical treatment that failed to bring longed-for healing.

In contrast, Peter advises us to anchor our hope to something strong enough to support us, something that comes from God and is completely reliable. And that something is God’s own grace. Grace is the most secure foundation we can have because it directs our hope toward what is coming—ultimately, the gift of eternal life.

We have all been beneficiaries of God’s grace, even though its fullness hasn’t yet been revealed. It is as if we’re getting glimpses of his loving presence, glimmers of his glory and majesty. Grace is already seeping into our lives, and it builds a strong foundation for us when we look toward the future.

Take a few moments to consider the ways in which you have already received the benefits of God’s grace. Of course, his grace has made you his son or daughter. But go further. Think of times when you made it through a difficult situation or felt God’s love and mercy deeply. Remember the gift of an unexpected friendship or a sudden inspiration for a complex or tricky problem. These are all personal experiences of God’s grace and favor.

Let these experiences help you set a firm foundation for your faith. You know that the fullness of grace will come when you see Jesus face-to-face. But in the meantime, you can still trust in God’s faithfulness and his love for you. That’s an “anchor of the soul” that will never fail (Hebrews 6:19).

“Father, thank you for all the blessings you’ve already poured into my life. Help me to place my hope entirely on the grace that you have yet to reveal to me.”

Psalm 98:1-4
Mark 10:28-31
1 Peter 1:10-16


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