…began to speak to the Greeks as well.

Seeking God

Rachel returned to the Church after a few years away.  As she began to experience God’s love in prayer and Scripture, she started to look for ways to tell other people about Jesus and the difference he could make in their lives – that is, everyone except Tanya.  “I did not think she was open, ” Rachel explained.  “She never showed interest in anything religious.”

But one day, Tanya took Rachel aside and asked, “What is going on? You are more peaceful and patient than you used to  be.  Nicer too.  How come?”  Stunned at this unexpected opening, Rachel shared her story.  It was not the most polished presentation of the gospel, but a seed was planted.  Months later, Tanya decided to start going to church and seek God for herself.

Cypriots and Cyrenians

The “Cypriots and Cyrenians” had their eyes opened to an unexpected evangelistic opportunity.  These Greek speaking Jews had never thought of preaching Christ to anyone other than fellow Jews.  When they came to Antioch, however, they took the huge step of reaching out to the city’s Gentiles.  Maybe they saw a spiritual hunger in these “Greeks”, who worshiped at pagan shrines.  Maybe they reasoned that what was good for Jews might be good for Gentiles.  Maybe they were approached by some inquiring Tanyas!  However it happened, they took the risk of reaching out to people they had once passed over.  We can only rejoice that they followed the Spirit and disqualified no one from hearing the good news.

Our roles

We are surrounded by people who long to hear about God’s love.  Do not write anyone off!  They may be people we know or strangers we meet in checkout lines and waiting rooms.  So make it a point to be kind and friendly to as many as possible, because you do not know how hungry for the Lord they may be.  Sometimes all you may see is indifference or hostility, but there could be something going on much deeper.   Just ask for the Spirit’s guidance, start a conversation, and see where it leads.

-word among us

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