Stand firm and hold fast.

Seeing a ballet dancer do a pirouette is awe-inspiring. How can she spin and spin but never lose her balance? By focusing on one point for as long as possible as the rest of her body turns. Then, she quickly brings her head back around to her focal point. It takes a lot of practice, but the end result is a stunning display of both discipline and gracefulness.

In a similar way, the Christians in Thessalonica needed to find their own focal point. Fear and confusion swirled around them. People were preaching that the end was near and were even passing off fake letters as if they came from Paul himself. Paul saw that all this was putting them off-balance in their spiritual lives. So he advised them, “Stand firm and hold fast” (2 Thessalonians 2:15). In other words, keep turning your eyes back to what you have been taught about God.

Paul’s advice still holds true today. Fear and confusion swirl around us. People ridicule faith and stoke fear with stories that make evil seem greater than God. But rather than being shaken, we can keep our eyes on God, our focal point.

You can start by looking at how Paul describes God in this passage: He is our Father who loves his children (2 Thessalonians 2:16). He has called us to possess his glory (2:14). He is the source of all grace and gives us hope and encouragement (2:16). He is our strength (2:17).

Go back to these truths each time fearful or doubtful thoughts start swirling in your mind. You can try this today by taking regular breaks and—literally—turning your eyes to the Lord! Look up from your work or studies and fix your attention on a crucifix on the wall, on your computer screen, or on a holy card or a rosary. As you gaze on Jesus on the cross, let him remind you how much he loves you, how he has called you to be his child, how his unchanging presence is your comfort and security.

Keep practicing this, and over time you’ll develop the habit of turning to the Lord when confusion or anxiety arises. And the result will be balance and confidence—just like a ballet dancer.

“Lord God, be my focal point today.”

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, 14-17
Psalm 96:10-13
Matthew 23:23-26


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