And suddenly there will come to the temple the Lord whom you seek

You are resting at home one evening, enjoying the quiet after a long day at work.  Suddenly, the door bell rings.  But you were not expecting anyone.  You open the door cautiously, only to find dear friends who had moved far away.  Overjoyed, you embrace them and welcome them in.

Doesn’t it sound like the way Jesus fulfilled this prophecy when Mary and Joseph brought him to the Temple for his presentation?  It is a good thing that a couple of prayerful elderly people were alert enough to welcome him!

God loves to break in on our everyday lives, and he wants us to be just as prepared as Simeon and Anna were.  So let us follow their example.  They were in the right place, at the right time, and they had the right diposition.

So what is the right place?  Simeon and Anna spent most of their days in the Temple, where God had promised to be present.  For us, we know that God comes to us in the Mass and as we pray and read the Scriptures.  But we all have obligations and lives outside of our prayer time.  So it is good news that he also comes to us in the temple of our hearts.  It is here, in this interior temple, that we can look for him.  We can get into the habit of stepping away from our everyday demands from time to time each day and see if he is there.

What is the right time?  Now – anytime!  You never know when God has a message for you or wants to nudge you, whether away from a temptation or toward some act of service.  Make sure you are ready when he speaks.

As for the right disposition, this is the most important.  This involves staying alert and flexible, just as Simeon and Anna were.  Do not be too tied to your routine.  Be ready to change your plans if a weary spouse needs extra time or an opportunity to share your faith pops up.

Remember, the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to you today.  So be ready!

-word among us

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