The children of Israel had marched on dry land through the midst of the sea. 

The Israelites thought they had seen it all.   They saw Moses turn the waters of the Nile red with blood.   They witnessed the plague of frogs, the plague of boils, even the plague of the death of all of Egypt’s firstborn sons.   God had performed so many wonders and miracles to set them free from slavery.   Even so, they must have been awestruck when God opened a path for them to cross the Red Sea on dry ground.   Imagine how they must have felt when they realized they were no longer trapped by the Egyptians.   God had indeed saved them!

These miracles seem beyond anything we can fathom.   Yet St. John Chrysostom, an early Church father who died in AD 407, taught that, as marvelous as it was, the Israelites’ exodus was just a foreshadowing of what God would accomplish through Baptism.

“You did not see Pharaoh drowned with his armies,” he told a group of newly baptized believers, “but you have seen the devil with his weapons overcome by the waters of Baptism.   The Israelites passed through the sea; you have passed from death to life.   They were delivered from the Egyptians;   you have been delivered from the powers of darkness.   The Israelites were freed from slavery to a pagan people;   you have been freed from the much greater slavery to sin.

“Before yesterday you were captives, but now you are free and citizens of the Church;   lately you lived in the shame of your sins, but now you live in freedom and justice.   You are not only free, but also holy.   You are not only holy, but also righteous.   You are not only righteous, but also sons.   You are not only sons, but also heirs.   You are not only heirs, but also brothers of Christ.   You are not only brothers of Christ, but also joint heirs.   You are not only joint heirs, but also members.   You are not only members, but also the temple.   You are not only the temple, but also instruments of the Spirit.”

The gift of Baptism is rich and vast and deep.   Today, thank God for this wonderful gift, and ask him to help you to experience the grace that is yours.

“Thank you, Lord, for the miraculous waters of Baptism!”

Word Among Us

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