The measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you. 

What is the “measure” Jesus is talking about (Luke 6:38)? It’s how we treat people. Jesus promises that when we are merciful and generous to others, he will be merciful and generous to us. When we don’t judge and condemn, neither will we be subject to judgment and condemnation.

Isn’t this also true with the people we relate to each day? The measure we measure out is often what we can expect from them in return. So let’s look at today’s Gospel with that perspective in mind.

Stop judging (Luke 6:37). How many times do we judge someone, especially when we’ve been treated poorly? We tend to see them in a distorted way—they’re selfish or uncaring or thoughtless—and in our eyes, they become those things. We could instead ask the Lord to help us see the other person through his eyes. As they sense our new attitude, they’re more likely to let down their defenses, and the whole tenor of our relationship with them can change.

Forgive and you will be forgiven (Luke 6:37). In wounded relationships, we tend to focus on how we’ve been offended, not on how we might have offended the other person. What if we asked the Lord to show us how we may have hurt that person in some way or other? That might soften our hearts so that we can forgive them. And if we approach them to tell them that we are sorry, it might just open up an opportunity for mutual forgiveness and reconciliation.

Give and gifts will be given to you (Luke 6:38). We show our love to people by giving of ourselves. The more generous we are with our time, attention, and affection, the more our relationships tend to grow and flourish. Then the more “gifts” of love and affection we are able to receive from the other person in return.

Is there one relationship you can think of that would benefit from less of your judgment and more of your compassion, mercy, and generosity? If so, offer that person your “good measure” today (Luke 6:38). Then see how the Lord uses it to give you a good measure in return.

“Jesus, give me the grace to treat others the way I want to be treated.”

Daniel 9:4-10
Psalm 79:8-9, 11, 13
Luke 6:36-38


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