The word of God continued to spread and grow.


Did you know that Christianity is the world’s largest religion?   According to the most recent available data, it makes up nearly 32 percent of the global population.   Clearly, the Holy Spirit is still very active drawing people of every nation to Jesus.

This theme runs through all three readings today.   The first reading describes Paul and Barnabas being commissioned for their first missionary journey.   The psalm prays that God’s ways will be known “among all nations” (Psalm 67:3).    And in the Gospel, Jesus issues his final invitation to “everyone who believes in me” (John 12:46).

So how does the gospel spread?   Through us! Jesus has left us in charge of his mission, and it’s good to ask how we are doing.

Look around, and it’s clear that we have work to do.   In North America and Europe, the Church is struggling.   It’s growing in the global South, but missionary challenges remain, and martyrdom is all too common.

The thought of evangelization might be scary, but you can make a difference.   You can start by praying frequently for the growth of the Church as well as for your family and friends who seem far from the Lord.

You can also look for opportunities in your everyday life to plant the seeds of the gospel.   Don’t think you have to do everything yourself—just do your part, and leave the rest to God and to anyone the Lord might send to them.

When the situation arises, ask the Holy Spirit for the courage and humility to share your faith.   In the course of a conversation, you might be able to talk about a time when you felt God’s care or when you felt him blessing you in some way. Or you could share a favorite Bible verse.   You don’t have to have perfect words or try to convert anyone—that’s the Holy Spirit’s job.   But you can still be open and honest about your faith.

For the past two thousand years, God has been calling his people to go out and share the good news.   May we commit ourselves to helping it spread and grow.

“Holy Spirit, show us how we can share God’s love with the world.”

Psalm 67:2-3, 5-6, 8
John 12:44-50


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