They hated him so much that they would not even greet him. 

There is a reason that self-help books about sibling rivalry remain popular year after year. Every parent knows that their children, lovable as they are, can also be very jealous of and competitive with each other. The story of Joseph and his brothers is just one of many accounts in the Bible that show how hard it can be for siblings to get along. Like Cain and Abel, Rachel and Leah, and Jacob and Esau, this story is filled with suspicion, envy, and rivalry.

We might be surprised to find such stories in the Bible, but we also might be a little relieved. It can be comforting to know that not even the great heroes of Scripture were immune from family conflicts. That means there’s hope for us as well!

But what can we do about it? Again, Scripture can help us. If you were to read the whole story of Joseph and his brothers (Genesis 37–50), you would discover a story of treachery, deceit, betrayal, and . . . forgiveness. The story ends well because Joseph found it in his heart to forgive his brothers, and they had become humble enough to repent and receive his forgiveness.

Jesus told us to seek forgiveness as often as we need to and to offer it as often as we are able to (Matthew 18:21-35). It doesn’t always have to be for big problems like the ones the sons of Jacob faced—although those definitely should be dealt with. Often enough, it’s the little irritants of the day that need to be cleared away before they grow into larger or more long-standing patterns of sin.

Simply asking a family member to forgive these little offenses can open up new avenues of understanding, respect, and love. It can also make room for the Spirit to heal relationships and to draw family members closer together.

Jesus wants to teach us how to live in mercy and love, especially in our families. He knows that if we base our relationships on day-to-day forgiveness, we’ll be more willing to show mercy when larger challenges come our way. United under the banner of forgiveness, we will find the grace to weather any storm!

“Lord, help us become quick to repent and eager to forgive.”

Psalm 105:16-21
Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46
Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-28


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