This man deserves death. 

Sometimes Old Testament prophets spoke words of comfort and hope to God’s people. But not always. In today’s first reading, Jeremiah predicted destruction for the Israelites if they didn’t turn from their idolatry (26:12-13). But members of the king’s court didn’t want to hear it. Instead of responding with repentance, they tried to silence the message by plotting to kill the messenger, Jeremiah.

Centuries later, in today’s Gospel reading, John the Baptist’s faithful witness received a similar response. Although King Herod found John’s preaching mesmerizing, he arrested John and had him executed because John dared to declare that the king’s marriage was immoral. But even after his death, John’s bold witness continued to ring in Herod’s ears. The king began to fear that this new preacher, Jesus, must have been John come back to shame him.

Proclaiming the word of God can bring strong opposition, and we see this even today. In many parts of the world, Christians are being martyred because they dare to admit they believe in Jesus. Full churches have been bombed during Mass. Believers live in hiding because they know they will be killed for professing their faith. Yet knowing this, people go on worshipping and professing their faith. They even seek to love those who are persecuting them!

St. Paul reminds us, “If [one] part suffers, all the parts suffer with it” (1 Corinthians 12:26). In Christ, we are all one family, and we should all care about believers who experience severe persecution, even if it’s not happening to us. So let’s pray for our brothers and sisters in the Lord whose lives are in danger today. Let’s intercede for the families and Christian communities left behind by martyred believers. Not only that, but let’s look for ways to give financial support to Christians who are suffering for their faith in so many places around the world.

“Lord, sustain and strengthen our brothers and sisters whose witness endangers their lives.”

Jeremiah 26:11-16, 24
Psalm 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34
Matthew 14:1-12


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