Those who had diseases were pressing upon him to touch him. 

Many people of Jesus’ time struggled to understand who he was. Some believed he was a prophet or John the Baptist or Elijah back from the dead (Mark 8:27-28). Others thought he was an agent of Satan (Luke 11:15). And still others thought he was a threat to Judaism (John 11:47-48).

At least the people in today’s Gospel get some things right! The desperately sick in the crowd recognize that Jesus has the power to heal them of their diseases. And the demon-possessed acknowledge that he is the Son of God, whose authority over all creation includes the spiritual world.

But even these two groups see only part of the picture. Jesus came to do more than heal diseases, and he didn’t come just to give demons a fright. He came to deliver us from slavery to sin and from death itself. He came to establish a relationship with us that will heal our wounded souls and open up the possibility of healing for our bodies as well. These are the truths that Jesus deeply longed for them—and for us—to understand!

Are you feeling burdened by hurts of the past or fears for the future? Are the devil’s temptations, or his subtle lies, wearing you down? Then imitate the people of Jesus’ day and cry out to him! In prayer, press in as they did, and imagine yourself touching even the hem of his garment. Let his presence and his power bring healing to your wounded, weary soul.

Or has a sickness or infirmity been weighing you down, robbing you of your peace? You, too, cry out to Jesus! Ask him to pour out his healing grace—whether to restore your body to wholeness or to give you the courage and patience to unite your sufferings to his. There is no limit to what he can do.

Jesus came to overcome the power of sin and death, and he did it not as a distant god but by becoming one of us and dying and rising for us. If he would go through all of that for you, of course he will hear you when you cry out to him!

“Lord Jesus, I’m not ashamed to admit that I need your healing touch!”

1 Samuel 18:6-9; 19:1-7
Psalm 56:2-3, 9-13
Mark 3:7-12


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