We are God’s co-workers.

When you look at a great cathedral, it’s natural to feel inspired and lifted up to God.   Imagine the decades, even centuries, of hard work and the hundreds of artisans, builders, and laborers who gave their talents to create this beautiful place of worship.   Think of all the different strengths and abilities that came together to craft this structure, from those who quarried and carted the stones to those who prepared food for the laborers.   Much of their work was hidden, yet each one had an essential role to play.

The kingdom that Jesus is building on earth is far more glorious than the most magnificent cathedral—and he has invited each one of us to work on this project with him.   He has invited you.

You may be tempted to think that the more prominent members of the Church—ordained ministers, gifted singers, and trained catechists—are more important, but that’s not how God sees it. In his mind, every Christian plays an essential role in his vast intricate plan.

Over the centuries, the Church has been built upon the work of beloved saints, but also upon the efforts of countless unsung heroes.   It’s built by a prison inmate inviting his cell mate to a Bible study.   It’s built by a widow praying her Rosary alone in a nursing home.   It’s built by a mother and father raising their children in the faith.   It’s built by you!   You play a vital role.

Your work can seem inconsequential, but St. Paul has an answer to that:   “Neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who causes the growth”.   Even when you are doing “mundane” work, God is at work with you.   He is behind the scenes, pouring out his grace and blessing.   He is blessing you for your faithfulness, and he is blessing the people you are caring for.   It’s not all about what you do;  it’s also about what God does, hidden, in the hearts of the people around you.

So keep on building!   Whether your role is big or small, hidden or noticeable, it’s essential to the construction.   You are no less than a co-worker with Christ himself.

Word Among Us

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