What are we going to do? 


The chief priests and Pharisees who opposed Jesus marveled at his miracles.   They recognized that he had power from God and an extraordinary spiritual connection.   They acknowledged all this, yet they were still fearful (John 11:47-48).   They trembled at the thought that these powerful signs might lead to the destruction of Jerusalem.   The holy city was at the height of its grandeur and strength, and they wanted it to stay that way.   Yet Jerusalem was God’s city, and Jesus was performing signs in God’s name.   What reason should they have had to fear that God would allow its destruction?

The problem was that these leaders sought to understand God’s work through human resources alone.   Despite all they knew about Jesus’ miracles, their thinking didn’t allow for divine agency.   They admitted that something miraculous was going on, yet they opposed it because it didn’t fit their limited perspectives.

But before we get too down on these people, let’s remember that they aren’t storybook villains.   They were human beings with the same biases and limitations that we have.

Our ways are simply not God’s ways. His thoughts are simply not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8).   God likes to shake up our human assumptions.   He likes to surprise us, to accomplish his plans outside of our human expectations.   So how should we respond?   By keeping a humble heart.   Remember, we don’t have all the answers, and we don’t always see the whole picture.   God’s power is infinite.   He can do things in situations that we simply cannot conceive.   We should be prepared to admit that at every turn.

Let God surprise you as you enter Holy Week.   Allow him to stretch your expectations.   He longs to touch your heart, especially as you recall and celebrate his Son’s death and resurrection.   Look for signs that he is working.   If you see that he is doing something powerful, perhaps something that you don’t understand, don’t be too quick to judge it or dismiss it.   Investigate it.   Ask God about it.   He might just have something marvelous to show you!

“Holy Spirit, open my heart to see and welcome Jesus this week.   Give me a humble heart and a willingness to have my expectations stretched.”

Ezekiel 37:21-28
(Psalm) Jeremiah 31:10-13


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