Where are the other nine?

Why was Jesus so disappointed that nine out of the ten men he had cured of leprosy didn’t return to thank him? Jesus certainly didn’t need their gratitude. Perhaps it was because he had something more to give them, something beyond a physical healing. By failing to go back and thank Jesus, these men didn’t have a chance to receive these blessings.

On the other hand, by returning to him, the Samaritan man had the privilege of a one-on-one encounter with Jesus. His act of worship—falling at the feet of the Lord—and his words of gratitude opened the door for Jesus to heal him on a deeper level. Perhaps through his time with the Lord, this man experienced just how much God loved him. That could have led to a greater trust in God and a greater desire to pray or worship him. Any bitterness or resentment he may have been harboring toward God because of his leprosy must have left him as well.

But whatever happened in the Samaritan’s heart that day, we know that he left Jesus a changed man, healed not only physically but also spiritually. Jesus confirms this by telling him, “Stand up and go; your faith has saved you” (Luke 17:19).

Gratitude to God changes us as well. That’s because when we come to the Lord in worship and thanksgiving, we are opening our hearts to him so that he can work in us in profound ways. Through these one-on-one encounters, Jesus reveals his great love and mercy for us. He helps us let go of fear, anxiety, and doubt. Any bitterness or resentment that we might have been feeling toward him begins to melt in his presence. Our times of thanksgiving also humble us as we realize all that God has done for us. In all these ways, our gratitude to God leads to healing and spiritual growth, just as it did for the Samaritan.

Today, let’s be like this man who took the time to run back to Jesus. Let’s set aside all that we have to do and first thank him for all he has done for us. May he say to us as he said to this man, “Go; your faith has saved you!”

“Jesus, my heart overflows with thanksgiving and praise for your great love and mercy. Help me to live in gratitude each day.”

Wisdom 6:1-11
Psalm 82:3-4, 6-7
Luke 17:11-19


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