Who do you say that I am?

During their journey to the district of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus asked this question of his close friends.   The people in the crowds thought he was one of the great prophets, like John the Baptist, who challenged Herod’s sinful lifestyle, or Elijah, who had humiliated five hundred false prophets in a single demonstration.   But what did the Twelve say about him?   It turns out that they were not very clear either.

Peter knew that Jesus was the Messiah, but to him it meant that Jesus had supernatural power, a divine purpose, and a special relationship with God.   He couldn’t imagine the deeper and more costly answer to this question — an answer that involved the cross.

How different are God’s ways from ours!   He sent his Son, not as a fiery prophet like Elijah or John the Baptist, but as a suffering servant who would offer his own life in order to atone for our sins and reconcile us to God.   Through Jesus, the cross has become the fountain from which every grace and blessing flows: deliverance from sinful patterns, relief from the anxieties of legalistic observance, wisdom for living in the world, and freedom from the powers of darkness.   This instrument of death has now become the way to freedom and life in a way that a worldly, powerful Messiah could never be.

Who do you say Jesus is?   What does it mean for you to embrace the cross?   The two questions go hand in hand, for a crucified Messiah must have crucified followers.   God wants us to take up the inner battle of saying no to fallen ways of thinking and acting so that we can begin to enjoy life in his presence.   The only way we will find strength for that battle is if we fix our gaze on Jesus, the crucified Messiah, in prayer and ask the Spirit to help us focus on Jesus and his love rather than on ourselves.

Today, let the Spirit lead you to the cross.   Let him lead you to deeper freedom — perhaps through repentance, through greater patience, or through stronger love.   Listen for his still, small voice as he whispers words of encouragement and correction.   Trust that as you follow him, he will lead you from death to life.

Word Among Us

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