Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts?

Why were the disciples troubled? Maybe because they were only human! They had seen Jesus arrested. He had died a horrible death on a Roman cross. Their mission had been destroyed, their hopes dashed. So when Jesus suddenly appeared to them, they were so stunned that they didn’t even recognize him. Instead of greeting him with open arms, they drew back in fear.

What they needed was some reassurance—some physical evidence—that they were really seeing Jesus. And that’s just what he gave them. He showed them his hands and feet, which still bore the wounds he had suffered on Calvary (Luke 24:40). He even ate in front of them (24:43)!

Jesus knows that we can be like those disciples at times. We’re only human! Even with two thousand years of history behind us, we might not recognize Jesus in our midst. But in his kindness, Jesus responds to us generously—and in so many different ways.

Jesus gives us physical evidence of his presence through the sacraments, visible signs that confer his grace. In Baptism, as the water pours over us, we are made sons and daughters of God. In the Eucharist, we consume his Body and Blood. In Confession, he touches us with his merciful love and calms our fears. In marriage, he is present in the love between the spouses. In the Anointing of the Sick, the sacred oil on our forehead and hands assures us that the Lord is with us until the very end.

Jesus is also present to us in the men and women he dwells in. A friend’s comforting arm around your shoulder, a kind word from a neighbor, or wise counsel from a mentor can all reveal Christ’s closeness to us.

In his goodness, Jesus allowed his disciples to see his physical body. In his goodness, he makes himself present to you as well, in the sacraments and in his people. So if you’re feeling troubled today, ask him to help you recognize that he is with you. Then be on the lookout for him. He wants to give you a fresh experience of his presence today.

“Lord, I know you are with me—open my eyes to see you!”

Acts 3:11-26
Psalm 8:2, 5-9
Luke 24:35-48


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