Listen to the Lord

Is it really possible to hear the voice of the Lord?  Well, Moses heard God speaking from a burning bush.  Saint Joseph heard him in dreams.  Sister Faustina heard him in a vision so clearly that she could describe to an artist the picture he asked to be painted of him.

These stories may seem fantastical to us.  But if you stop and think about it, you have probably had times when you have experienced God’s presence and sensed that he has a message for you.  These senses – even if fleeting – show that we really do have spiritual instincts and that they can be cultivated.

Ways we hear others

It might be easier to understand if we start thinking of simple human instincts.  For instance, a mother may be in a room full of crying toddlers, but when her little one start to cry, she knows the voice immediately and springs into action.  A basketball player instinctively knows how to control his arm, his jump, and his aim as he throws the ball through the net.  With practice, these responses become automatic.  We get to a level where we are confident whenever we engage these instincts.  In a similar way, with practice and experience, we can become better at sensing when Jesus is speaking to us.

Practice and practice more

Practice listening to the Lord during the day today – you may be surprised at how available he is!  In fact, a good foundation of prayer and Scripture reading can prepare you to recognize his presence in the people around you and in his creation.  Gradually, the question shifts from if God will speak to you and how he will speak and what he will say.

So listen for God’s voice in the child crying for his father’s attention.  Be ready as he whispers to your heart the words to say to a friend who is sick.  Hear his encouragement in the little successes and failures of life.

Do not worry.  If you do not “hear” anything right away.  The more you practice, the more you will recognize when Jesus is moving in you.  The more you spend time with him, he stronger your spiritual instincts will become.

-word among us

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