Wisdom is vindicated by her works.

We are familiar with short sayings that carry a lot of punch. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” While these may be pertinent at different times in our lives, their overall practical value is limited.

By contrast, Jesus’ short saying, “Wisdom is vindicated by her works” (Matthew 11:19), carries a lot of punch and is a truth that applies to the whole of our lives. His entire life, especially his cross and resurrection, proved that his gospel message is the truth. And now he calls us to respond to that message by letting its wisdom rule our lives.

There is nothing hit-and-miss about the Christian life. Jesus made it clear that if we remain true to him, we will not be disappointed. Instead, his wisdom will be vindicated in us just as it was in him. Following the Lord and his ways always brings its own deep rewards. Even when we have to hold fast against all odds, we will experience the Holy Spirit strengthening, encouraging, and comforting us. His life itself can become the source of power energizing us, no matter what situation or challenge we face.

We may come up against those who dispute fasting or feasting, just as John the Baptist and Jesus faced those who doubted their different approaches to godliness. But no matter what kind of criticism you face, don’t give up. By holding on to God’s wisdom, remaining flexible and humble, and doing your best to stay faithful to the Lord, you will find the strength you need to continue on day after day.

We are beloved sons and daughters of God. He will put his arms around us during times of difficulty. He will spur us on when we are disheartened. He will revitalize us when we are weary. How can we be sure of this? Because God never changes. Because once he makes a promise, he keeps it. Because he is always faithful to fulfill his purposes and intentions in our lives. And because his wisdom will always be vindicated in those who cling to him!

“Lord Jesus, help me to rely upon your wisdom so that I can remain faithful to you.”

Isaiah 48:17-19
Psalm 1:1-4, 6
Matthew 11:16-19


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