Your heavenly Father knows. 

Have you ever heard the old adage that if someone tells you not to think about pink elephants, you suddenly can’t seem to keep pink elephants out of your mind? Studies show that simply trying to suppress a thought makes it more likely to surface. We can see a similar thing happen when we are told not to worry. Suddenly all our worries take center stage!

Yet your heavenly Father knows everything you are facing, and you can put your worries in his hands. Just look at how Jesus dealt with the ups and downs of life on earth: he always kept his eyes fixed on his Father. Jesus talked with him, he listened to him, and he trusted him.

Today’s Gospel reading takes place after Jesus taught the disciples to pray to God as their own heavenly Father (Mathew 6:9-13). You might think that he had said all that he wanted to say about his Father. But Jesus came back to that theme when he addressed the topic of worries. God the Father takes care of the birds and adorns the flowers, he told them. How much more will he take care of you!

So when worries fill your thoughts, look to your Father in heaven. What do you see? You see a God who knit you together, cell by cell, and who holds you in his hands. You see a God who had a plan for you before you were even born (Psalm 139:16). You see a Father who called you by name and restored your relationship with him through Jesus (Isaiah 43:1). You see One who longs to have a relationship with you and who is constantly revealing himself to you as a good and caring Father. You see a God who knows everything about your life and is always on your side.

Always remember those pink elephants. Rather than trying to suppress your worried or anxious thoughts, bring them to your heavenly Father, who knows you and cares for you.

“Father, I am so grateful you know me. I will look at you, my strength and my hope.”

2 Chronicles 24:17-25
Psalm 89:4-5, 29-34
Matthew 6:24-34


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