The Just One

Merely to see him is a hardship for us. Do you know someone whose life seems so together that you can’t bear being around him or her?   Finances?   In perfect order. Kids?   All honor students with good manners.   Appearance?   Not a hair out of place and not a single...


Even they testify on my behalf.  Imagine you were alive in the early first century.   Would you have believed that Jesus was the Son of God?   You probably would have wanted some evidence. That’s precisely what Jesus gave his listeners in Scripture—evidence.   He...

I want your living water to flow in me

He . . . guides them beside springs of water.  Did you know that the earth’s surface is over 70 percent water?   And more than half of the people on earth live within 3 kilometers of fresh water!   Not only that, but our bodies are 60 percent water.   And while you...

I want to be made well

Do you want to be well?  Did you know that St. John recounts only seven of Jesus’ miracles?   They may be few in number, but they are rich in meaning.   In fact, John called them “signs” because of the way each of them led people to believe in Jesus. Well, all except...

Help me to experience your healing grace

The things of the past shall not be remembered or come to mind.  Wouldn’t you love to live in a place like this?   A place of rejoicing and happiness?   A place of freedom and peace?   A place where the future always looks bright because the past no longer haunts us?...

You are not far from the Kingdom of God

  You are not far from the Kingdom of God.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to hear Jesus say these words to you?   Imagine how heartening it would be to hear that, even as you stumble through life, God affirms his belief in you.   Wouldn’t you love hearing him tell you...

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