Stop Running Away

Jonah made ready to flee . . . away from the Lord.  Have you ever been in a store or a crowded park and seen a small child making a beeline away from his parents?   More often than not, the parents are right behind, following that child just as stubbornly as he is...


Rejoice because your names are written in heaven. We might be confused by Jesus’ words,  “Do not rejoice because the spirits are subject to you”.    Is he telling the seventy-two to be indifferent to their ability to cast out demons?   Not at all!   He is urging them...

It is not my fault

Justice is with the Lord our God. “It’s not my fault!”   Isn’t this a constant refrain?    Parents hear it all the time from their children.   Coworkers try to avoid the consequences of their poor performance.   So it’s almost jarring to hear the exiled Israelites...

The harvest is abundant

The harvest is abundant. When Jesus spoke about a “harvest,” was he just talking about crops?   Of course not!   He was speaking about all the people who were waiting to hear the good news.   The “harvest” consisted in the vast number of souls ready to believe in him,...

To Rebuild It

Send me to Judah . . . to rebuild it. Perhaps you know the story of the call of St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast day we celebrate.   Praying in a run-down chapel, he heard the Lord saying, “Francis, go and repair my house; look, it is falling into ruins.”   Now, God...

God is with you

We have heard that God is with you. “They were drawn like moths to a flame.”  This is what the prophet Zechariah might say if he were to speak this prophecy today. Speaking about the future restoration of Israel, Zechariah said that foreigners from everywhere would be...

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