The priests carrying the ark of the covenant of the Lord remained motionless . . . until the whole nation had completed the passage.

Today’s reading (Joshua 3:7-11, 13-17) shows us the important role that priests played in ancient Israel and, in particular, in the Israelites’ journey into the Promised Land. Joshua called on them to march into the Jordan River ahead of all the people and to stay there until everyone had made the crossing. By following Joshua’s command, these priests had to literally take a step of faith. They didn’t know for certain that the river would dry up, but they trusted the Lord’s word to Joshua and walked forward. And because of this step of faith, the whole Israelite nation was able to cross the Jordan.

Now, God could certainly have stopped the river on his own and led the Israelites across without the help of the priests. But he chose them to lead his people into the Promised Land.

Even today, God chooses priests to cooperate with him in leading his people into the new Promised Land of heaven. Every time we celebrate a sacrament, the priest has a special role. Acting in the person of Christ, he stands as a bridge between heaven and earth. Like those ancient Israelite priests, he stands in the river of God’s grace for us.

But it’s not just the priests who act as a bridge. In its own way, the entire Church, the whole body of Christ, is a bridge between heaven and earth. Every one of us shares in the common priesthood of Jesus. No matter our vocation, God calls all of us to lead people to salvation. He wants everyone to cross over into eternal life, and he has given us the privilege of helping them do it.

So ask the Lord how you can be a bridge to eternal life. You can start by praying every day for people who you know are far from the Lord. From this place of prayer, ask the Spirit to help you find opportunities to share your faith with those people. And when those opportunities come up, remember Israel’s priests. Take the next step of faith, and watch what God does.

“Jesus, show me one way I can be a bridge between earth and heaven today.”

Psalm 114:1-6
Matthew 18:21–19:1
Joshua 3:7-11, 13-17


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