Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies . . . 

You have likely heard the tale of the martyrdom of St. Lawrence, whose feast we celebrate today. Arrested by the emperor Valerian, Lawrence was burned alive on a metal grate. He seemed so unfazed by the torture, so the story goes, that he told his tormentors, “Turn me over; I’m done on this side!”

When we hear stories like this one about the saints and heroes of our faith, we might feel a little intimidated. We marvel at the impact they made on the world with their courage, fervor, and love for God. We might feel that we could never do something so noteworthy or significant.

If you’re having such thoughts, it’s time to listen to another great saint, Thérèse of Lisieux. “The most trivial work,” she said, “the least action when inspired by love, is often of greater merit than the most outstanding achievement.”

Of course, that’s not to question the merit of the impressive feats of the saints. But it should encourage each one of us. Every Christian is called to love, and that involves choosing to put someone else’s needs ahead of our own. It’s a kind of death to self that we can experience every day—a “death” that can produce “much fruit” for God’s kingdom because it directly touches the lives of the people around us (John 12:24).

So how is God calling you to love today? It may be in small ways, but every act of love can make a big difference in someone’s life. Perhaps you will be challenged to show patience to a moody spouse or child. Perhaps you’ll be inspired to give up your favorite food or entertainment as a fast for the conversion of a loved one. Or maybe you will take time to help a friend when you had already planned to do something else.

It doesn’t matter so much how you choose to love. Just know that whenever you put God first and give of yourself for someone else, you are following in the footsteps of the saints.

“Holy Spirit, lead me today. Help me to follow every inspiration you send me to love my neighbor.”

2 Corinthians 9:6-10
Psalm 112:1-2, 5-9
John 12:24-26


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