Who but God alone can forgive sins?

The scribes—experts in the Scriptures and laws of Israel—asked this question out of concern and even outrage that Jesus of Nazareth, a mere man, was claiming to do something only God can do. And they weren’t wrong, either: only God can forgive sins. But what they missed was that God had broken into history and entered the human story in Jesus. And he came bringing not only healing for bodies but the forgiveness of sins that heals souls as well.

Jesus burst onto the scene with enormous energy: teaching in a new way, performing miraculous healings, and casting out demons. In today’s Gospel, we hear how yet another person had been carried to Jesus to be healed. But before even addressing the man’s paralysis, Jesus first tells him, “Your sins are forgiven” (Mark 2:5). This is the kind of Savior Jesus is. His divine power extends beyond physical needs to also touch the deep spiritual wounds that sin inflicts on our hearts.

God still carries out this mission of forgiveness and healing today. Through the power of the Spirit at work in the Church, he still breaks into people’s lives with the freeing power of divine mercy. Like the people in Galilee, we too come to Jesus with our wounded hearts and our need for forgiveness. And as he did back then, still today he forgives.

Jesus wants to forgive us. He wants to forgive you, no matter how inconsequential or grievous you think your sins are. All he asks is that you come to him so that you can experience the freedom and healing he came to bring.

Today in prayer, ask the Lord for forgiveness. This can feel difficult to do at times. The devil is always trying to keep you from reaching out for God’s mercy. He is always trying to convince you to condemn yourself and to despair of ever being forgiven. He wants you to think that you must fix yourself up before God will love you. But these are all lies.

So confess your sins. It’s true that only God can forgive—but it’s also true that he doesn’t hold back! Jesus longs to heal your wounded heart. He longs to free you of your burden of guilt. Accept his offer—today.

“Jesus, thank you for forgiving my sins.”

Hebrews 4:1-5, 11
Psalm 78:3-4, 6-8
Mark 2:1-12


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